Each person is a beacon of light,
Everyone can make a difference.
Promoting DEI/Diversity, Equality and Inclusion is something everyone can do, whether you are an employee, a boss, an entrepreneur, or an artist. By leveraging your expertise and utilizing the resources around you, we can drive society towards DEI in various ways. RAWHER possesses excellent product manufacturing capabilities and collaborates with companies and organizations from other industries to promote DEI in fun and engaging ways.
Dorian's journey of self-discovery and acceptance led her to found RAWHER 若合 (if we fit), a company dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ community in Taiwan. Inspired by the Taiwan Pride Parade, where she found the sense of belonging she had long sought, Dorian transformed her passion into action. Through RAWHER, she creates vibrant products that celebrate diversity and donates a portion of all proceeds to LGBTQ initiatives in Taiwan. Dorian hopes to inspire others to speak up, fight for equal rights, and find their own sense of community and pride. At a young age, Dorian knew she was different. She didn't like the dresses her parents picked out for her, preferred her hair short, and wasn't attracted to boys. Yet, the lack of LGBTQ representation meant it took over a decade before she ever heard the word "homosexual." During those years, questions persisted in her mind: "Why couldn’t I be myself? Why did everyone expect me to be someone else?" Dorian attended a Christian high school. Already feeling unqualified to talk about love, her first relationship ended in heartbreak when it was reported to school authorities. Her girlfriend was removed from the school. She felt silenced by the school, parents, and religion as a whole. As she grew older, Dorian found glimpses of the LGBTQ community through foreign movies and an underground gay community. Still, she hadn’t found her sense of belonging until the Taiwan Pride Parade, full of rainbow flags and prideful individuals, finally gave her the sense of community she desperately needed, a sense of community she wished she had had when she was much younger. Her shame transformed into pride and her fear into confidence. RAWHER 若合 (if we fit) was born out of Dorian’s passion to support the LGBTQ community in Taiwan. Before starting RAWHER, she was on a conventional path to success with a stable corporate job. However, she realized her passion and her career didn't align. Despite her former employer's doubts about the LGBTQ market and its profitability, she took the leap. She knew she didn’t want to look back in old age and see a life spent making money instead of making a difference. For Dorian, the parade and all of its colors symbolize strength and courage. Now, she not only helps to make those colorful additions to the parade and donate to the community, but she also hopes to inspire others to speak up, fight for equal rights, and dream of a better future. She aims to expand the LGBTQ community, ensuring that others like her can find the much-needed sense of belonging she always wished she had. RAWHER的創立人Dorian來自80年代的台灣,那是個經濟奔騰但觀念保守的時代,從自身的女同志成長經驗為起點,她見證了長達三十年的台灣同志歷史的蛻變,如今的社會已比過去開放許多,但仍有許多未盡之事。 RAWHER便是以自身的專長,結合商品製造與活動服務,持續為多元/ 平等/ 共融 努力。