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LGBT Pride wholesale factory


rawher's slogan empower all love

RAWHER是一間LGBTQ+ 彩虹驕傲商品供應商,讓客戶用彩虹相關的商品,為他們的商店/ 品牌/ 活動讓人留下深刻印象,你可以大張旗鼓地慶祝Pride,也可以內斂的支持這個社群。


多年來,我們關心LGBTQ+的議題和變化,也通過生意合作讓大大小小的客戶,收到適合他們活動的彩虹商品,我們與指定的工廠合作已超過五年,品質和交期皆足以信賴。無論你是大型企業或獨立店家,我們都誠心的服務,為你尋找最棒的商品。 公司坐落台北,工廠在浙江,我們與工廠的關係友善而平等,從不惡意削價競爭,也拒絕與有歧視言論的工廠合作。



Empower All Love


RAWHER is a proud LGBTQ pride merchandise supplier, empowering customers to enhance their brand identity or add flair to events with rainbow-themed products. Whether you're celebrating loudly or supporting subtly. 


We've been attuned to the community's issues and changes over the years, delivering perfect Pride products for events big and small. Our collaboration with factories, spanning over five years, guarantees quality and reliability. Whether you're a large corporation or an independent brand, we serve with sincerity, seeking the best products for you.

Based in Taipei, with our manufacturing hub in Zhejiang, we maintain a friendly and equitable relationship with our factories. Never engage in harmful price cutting and refuse to work with factories that hold discriminatory views.


The pink economy signifies more than just diversity in gender and sexual orientation; it's about connecting like-minded buyers and sellers, expressing our support for diversity and inclusion.



Pride product production
Pride scarf weaving machine
Pride merch item screen printing
Pride scarf rainbow scarf
Pride product rainbow suspender
Pride product tote bag
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